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Tuesday, December 09, 2008 

What makes you drool and is better than sex?

People, I found it. At least I think I found it. And it was so simple, so easy. What have I found, you ask? The pathway to a night of sleep, my friend. The pathway to a night of sleep.

::a yellow light fills the room, and angels are heard singing::


Yeah, I know. I said I didn't want to give him any. But then I heard that formula stays in their stomachs longer, thereby giving the sleepy mother a chance to get some rest between feedings, so I said f*ck it, give the boy some formula! And I did. I gave him a bottle of formula right before bed. And he slept. And I slept. I slept for four hours. And it was...it was...it was orgasmic. Except that orgasms usually involve being awake. Usually.

Whatever. You know what I'm saying-- the sense of satisfaction was comparable.

I need a cigarette.

Congrats on the sleep...I remember those days well...well, no not really because I was getting any sleep either, but I completely empathize....that doesn't look like it is spelled right. Apparently, I should not comment on blogs when I have been grading horribly shitty essays for 4 hours straight. Osmosis? All the good grammar goes out one ear? Charlie sure is beautifuL!!

I did formula and breast milk. My sons didn't seem to have a problem going from boob to bottle - they just wanted to eat :) My husband would feed them a bottle when he worked nights so I could get a little more sleep. Being adopted I had no choice and I was a really healthy kid - never even got Chicken Pox!

Marsha, A misspelled word used to burn my corneas, but not so much now. Grading shitty essays will totally take away your own ability to use proper grammar and punctuation. I used to catch 99.9% of errors, and read and reread everything I wrote just to make sure, but when you are forced to look at shitty writing and not be disturbed by it, you get desensitized. It really bothers me that I am losing some of my own writing ability because of these shitty students.

At least you can still tell that Charlie is beautiful. :)

Julie, Yeah I think the whole argument against going back and forth from bottle to nipple is mostly crap. Besides, he has been eating breastmilk from a bottle from very early on. I just pump it out. It's especially useful in the middle of the night, because he can eat from a bottle much quicker than the breast.

I hope you don't get chicken pox in adulthood. I hear that's a bitch.

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