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Friday, December 28, 2007 


If you are on birth control pills for many years and begin to consider getting off them, first you should find someone who has not been on them to remind you how much worse female events can be without the pill. That way you don't hafta wonder if maybe you're dying when it hits.

Looks like I'm not pregnant. Hmfh.

I slept until 2:00 p.m. today. I went to bed around 12:30 last night, got up at 6:30 to make Tim's lunch, and was back asleep by 8:00. I woke up at noon, figured I had nothing better to do, and went back to sleep for two more hours. At 2:00 I woke up in a huge puddle of drool, and felt so ashamed.

I'm blaming my really, really lazy day on the fact that I'm experiencing such mind numbingly intense menstrual symptoms.

Tim made me watch a really boring movie with him tonight. I almost fell asleep despite the fact that I shouldn't need to sleep again for a long time.

They say comedians are the saddest people. I say bad stand-up comedians are the saddest.

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