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Saturday, November 03, 2007 

Political Ponderings

John Arthur Eaves is a giant douchebag.

For those of you who do not reside in our fine state, he's a lawyer who once sued the military and is now running for Governor on the bullshittiest platform evah! He's shamelessly begging for the ultra-conservative Christian vote by promising things he can't deliver-- like bringing prayer back to schools-- and saying he'll serve his Creator before he serves man, etc. It's hard to watch or listen to one of his ads without laughing. Really, it's too much. Go see for yourself. (While you watch, pay attention to the music. Also note the barn in the background, the denim shirt, and the overly sincere head movements.) Every time he opens his mouth, I like Barbour a little more.

And I think I like this Ron Paul fellow. He makes sense, and I think common sense is what's missing in the White House. I don't agree with him on every issue (bringing the troops home "immediately" being the biggest one) but I could vote for this guy anyway. We need a change.

Damn, you are a scenery changing girl!

Eaves reminds me of what Adolf Hitler would have been like had he been a little calmer and quieter. Hitler on prozac? I firmly believe he is an anti-semite.

I wonder - if he wins, will there be mandatory praying?


Yeah, I've been wanting to get back to DPA for a while now. Some damn idiot hijacked the url though.

Eaves claims that it will be "voluntary, student lead" prayer, and that it will take place in the mornings before role is taken, so that nobody is required to be there. The thing I don't get is why he's talking about how HE is going to make this happen. Students are free to do that NOW, and they do in many schools.

If a kid wants to pray, he or doesn't need this dipstick's permission, support or election to do it.

All politicians seem to do these days is make a list of all the things most of us believe are important, and claim they will "make them happen." What a crock. Governors don't even have that much power. Neither do presidents. The real power lies in the Supreme Court.

"He or she", that is.

At our school we have a moment of silence. Do with it what you want, just don't open your mouth.

I also laugh out loud when Eaves claims he will brong back school prayer. Since schools are non-denominational, will we pray to a different god each day. Will I be forced to worship Allah and Mohammad three times a day? What a kook. Holley

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