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Saturday, November 03, 2007 

Blue Genes

The doc called back. My thyroid hormone levels are low. Just barely, but still. They didn't recommend anything other than rechecking it in 6 months. I did some research and found that vitamins B6 and B12 are supposed to be helpful, as is sea salt. I also read that some of the things that make P.C.O.S. worse will also cause hypothyroidism: high sugar diet, processed foods, etc. And the symptoms are similar: weight gain, fatigue, depression, high cholesterol.

I've lost about 15 pounds, so it's not bad enough that it's keeping me from losing weight. I hope that when I get some weight off and have been on a reasonable diet for a while, some of these little medical issues I have will resolve themselves.

Then I can procreate, and pass on my good genes.


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