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Wednesday, November 28, 2007 

Bored of Education

I'm in workshops all week this week, so there's not much to say except that I'm bored out of my skull. The district signed me up for a classroom management workshop yesterday, and then my principal signed me up for a separate classroom management/teacher motivation thing later this week.

Someone thinks DPA needs some help.

I know all this stuff about classroom management, and employ it in my room. I do write a lot of people up though, and I think that's what they're thinking about when they sign me up for this stuff. From what I hear happening in the classrooms near me, I'm not the one who needs this workshop. Just because you never write anyone up doesn't mean you're in control of your classroom. It just means you're willing to sacrifice their learning for the sake of appearing to be in control.

Whatever. I'll take a week of workshops over a week of teaching. Besides, I need to learn more anyway. I've come to realize that my biggest problem is that I don't relax enough in the classroom. I'm so worried that they're going to do something wrong that I sometimes jump on every little thing. It's hard to tell what's acceptable, normal, ignorable behavior, and what's disruptive. Sometimes something that's not disruptive will lead to something that is, and I might overreact. My point is that some of those referrals could probably have been prevented if I were more relaxed and confident. So instead of being pissy about the fact that other people probably need this worse than me, I'm just gonna get what I can from it so that next year when the central office asks who needs it they don't send me.

I do enjoy the break though.


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