Last night Tim and I went out on a date, since I might be having a baby today. We'll know something at 8:01, hopefully.
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Good Luck today!!!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:20 AM
The doctor finally called me back at 10:00 and had the nerve to tell me to make an appt. to see him this Wednesday to try to induce. Uhhh, no. My mother just got down here, my husband's paternity leave is already halfway over, I havent eaten since 8:00 yesterday, and I laid awake all night worrying about today. Now's not the time for mind changing. My head nearly exploded, but I agreed to what the doc said on the phone. Then Tim called him back and started asking why things were changing all of a sudden. The doc said he wants us to come in to the hospital at 1:00. If I'm dilated, we'll induce. If not, I'm having a c-section.
I'll blog next chance I get.
Posted by
Mommy Needs a Xanax |
10:49 AM
Are you sure that doctor's not bipolar or something?
Good luck today!
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:13 AM
I hope you get to be induced, so you can enjoy the birthing experience. It will make a much better story than if they knock you out for a C-section. But maybe it will be a C-section with an epidural, and you can WATCH! Or maybe not. Maybe I should quit before you get madder at me than at the doctor.
Happy Birthday to Junior!
Posted by
Hillbilly Mom |
5:11 PM
Happy birthday (hopefully) to you. Hope it was quick, easy, and non-surgical. I've had 3 c-sections, only 1 of them planned, so I can really sympathize.
Posted by
Ellen |
8:52 PM
i'm guessing junior made an appearance one way or the other. hope all went well and can't wait to read your version of events ;-)
Posted by
jac |
9:01 PM
She had Charlie @ 5:18pm on 11/01/2008 via c-section. 8 lb 14 oz & 20 & 1/4 inches long. Red tinted hair, momma's mouth (go figure) blonde red eyebrows. LOUD, PERFECT, CUDLLY, and sure to have ATTITUDE. He is wonderfully perfect in every way. I plan to get my hands on him by the weekend. Couldnt be a better looking baby! I'll leave it aT that sinjce momma has alot of blogs in her!
-Aunt Brenda
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:37 AM
Ok. So I spelled Cuddly Wrong. Shoot, me, English Teacher.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:39 AM
This is such wonderful news - except the c-section part.
Big beautiful boy!!!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:29 AM