Contractions, Politics
Yesterday morning I had two strong contractions right after I woke up, but then nothing. Tim and I ate eggplant parmesan, took a bumpy ride, etc. Then late yesterday afternoon I started having mild ones again. These were closer together, but still not strong enough or close enough to warrant a trip to labor and delivery. This morning I had two really strong ones as soon as I woke up again. I don't know what's up with the early morning contractions, but I wish they wouldn't go away. Maybe if I don't go into real labor before my next appointment, these contractions might at least be doing something to make induction possible and reduce my chances of being SLICED OPEN. Have I mentioned that I don't want a c-section?
We bought a chair from Ashley's a few days ago, and we've got to go pick it up today. It's a rocker/recliner that I'm hoping to put in the nursery. While Tim's getting that today, I'm supposed to talk to a breastfeeding lady.
I'm so sick of all this political crap. We went and cast our absentee votes yesterday at the courthouse, and we may never vote the regular way again. This was much easier. There was no line, no pushy bald-headed lady in an abandoned fire station, no standing there waiting while they search the million pages of the voter roll for your name. We just walked in, gave them our names, they pulled them up on a computer, handed us a good, old-fashioned paper ballot, and left us alone to do our part to hopefully keep Obama's good for nothing ass out of the White House. I don't see any way for this election to end well. There's not a way for this election to end well. I just hope McCain gets elected instead of Obama, because I think he will do less damage, or at least not turn us into a damn socialist state.
If McCain could just get in there and manage to not die for four years, maybe something better will come along in 2012. Like Hillary Clinton. Or the end of the world. Whichever.
We bought a chair from Ashley's a few days ago, and we've got to go pick it up today. It's a rocker/recliner that I'm hoping to put in the nursery. While Tim's getting that today, I'm supposed to talk to a breastfeeding lady.
I'm so sick of all this political crap. We went and cast our absentee votes yesterday at the courthouse, and we may never vote the regular way again. This was much easier. There was no line, no pushy bald-headed lady in an abandoned fire station, no standing there waiting while they search the million pages of the voter roll for your name. We just walked in, gave them our names, they pulled them up on a computer, handed us a good, old-fashioned paper ballot, and left us alone to do our part to hopefully keep Obama's good for nothing ass out of the White House. I don't see any way for this election to end well. There's not a way for this election to end well. I just hope McCain gets elected instead of Obama, because I think he will do less damage, or at least not turn us into a damn socialist state.
If McCain could just get in there and manage to not die for four years, maybe something better will come along in 2012. Like Hillary Clinton. Or the end of the world. Whichever.
I think absentee voting is fantastic as well! As for me, I get to do a postal vote by virtue of the fact my hands don't work and I think it is bloody awesome having waited in lines similar to that which you mentioned above. Now riddle me this, because it is something I don't understand. During the last election there was some debate by a couple of disability advocacy groups that people with disabilities were discriminated against at polling booths; some had no ramps, some did not provide sufficient privacy, people in wheelchairs unable to reach booth etc etc. Now if you were in a wheelchair, hell even if you weren't, would you be offended by being offered the ability to do a postal vote instead of making your way down to the bloody polling office? I really didn't see the problem and I still can't. As long as us cripples can still vote who cares how we do it?
By the way, I have been following your blog and getting all vicariously excited about your pregnancy, but it didn't quite seem real yet until you just wrote the word contraction in this post. Wow. Now can you hurry up and e-mail me your postal address again so I can send you something to honour the birth of Deadpan Junior?!
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:01 AM
Now if you were in a wheelchair, hell even if you weren't, would you be offended by being offered the ability to do a postal vote instead of making your way down to the bloody polling office?
I wouldn't have a problem w/ it if I were in a wheelchair, I don't think. As a matter of fact, when I did this absentee voting, I had to give a reason that I was not voting the regular way. I told the girl I was planning to be giving birth soon. She checked a box marked "temporary or permanent disability." So I guess that's exactly how they handle it for folks in wheelchairs who can't get into the regular polling stations. They'd have mailed my ballot to me if I had requested it. I don't have to contend with a disability in my every day life, so I hesitate to say what I would feel about having to do things differently, but I'm tempted to say I wouldn't care as long as my right to vote was the same. And I would think that of all the things a disabled person has to do differently from other people, I don't get why having to handle voting differently would be any more aggravating.
I'll email you, but you don't have to send us anything. :)
Posted by
Mommy Needs a Xanax |
4:55 PM
Considering how voraciously some local party hacks try to get certain absentee ballots discarded - especially military ones - I doubt I'd feel secure ever voting a mail-in ballot again. I'll go down to the County Clerk's office and vote early, sure, but I'm not putting my vote in the hands of some jackass who wants to interpret my hanging chad.
Word Verification - "caticat" - Catty Cat is catty. (In other news, Obvious Cat is obvious.)
Posted by
Stewed Hamm |
11:43 PM