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Wednesday, June 18, 2008 

Here it is...

Finally I'm here with the critical info, and now I haven't got nearly as much to say about it as I imagined I would. Tragic.

I'll just stick with the facts.

Everything looked good on the ultrasound, and the baby was waving and kicking while the technician looked at all the different parts. I couldn't feel any of it, but I could see the little legs going back and forth. We saw the kidneys, the heart, the brain, the heart again, the legs, the arms, the feet, etc. etc. etc. Finally, the technician asked if we wanted to know the sex, and when I said yes, she moved the wand a little bit, punched something in on the keyboard, and suddenly the screen was covered with the unmistakable sight of a tiny, floating...


I said, "Oh my God, it's a boy! Isn't it?" She said, "Yes, it's a boy!" There was no mistaking it. Check it out--



The picture on the screen and the picture they printed out for me is a little better than what it looks like once it's been scanned.

Here are some more--



Everything looked fine. He weighs 12 ounces. Now we can start shopping and zero in on some boy names.

Congratulations!!!!! I've never seen an ultrasound like that...it's so clear...the little foot. I'm so excited for you!

Well, look at the size of that...............FOOT. You know what THAT means. :-)


Congratulations on your little boy young 'un in the oven.

I hope the cat blog hasn't fallen by the wayside to make room for this new internet pr0n site!

Good Lord woman, first it was cats and chickens, and now you've sunk to child porn. When this gets out, I'll have to check with my parole officer before I can comment here.

AAACCKK! It's an alien.

Boleyn-- Woohoo!! Me too! Thanks!

Damnyank-- When Tim saw "IT," he said, "I hope it grows." Well ddduuuuhhh I should hope so. Geez. These men and their penises.

HM-- Thank you. :) And you know I've got plenty of cat posts in me.

Stewie-- I'm sure your p.o. will give you clearance. Tell him it's an educational site.

Anon-- Yer momma.

Good Lord! Does he think it's supposed to be full grown already??
Men, God love 'em. And just think, you're growing a new one!

I can't wait. I was secretly hoping for a girl, but honestly that's some deep rooted sister torture thing. I really just wanted to see the look on your face if it was a girl so I apologize. Besides, this will save me lots of money- girls are blood suckers from birth. The shoes are just so. much. cuter.
I don't know what to get him, but I'm in love with his webbed toe.
He is already the cutest.

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