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Saturday, March 08, 2008 

Random Thought Whenever

Since it's the only thing I can think about, I'm compelled to read about pregnancy online, but the websites that cater to that need are apparently for worry warts. There's always some article on the front page that's clearly designed to scare pregnant women. For example, I just dodged an article called "17 Signs Something is Wrong." Why the hell would I want to read that? Chances are I've got at least 2 of the symptoms whether anything's wrong or not.

It's Spring Break. For a whole week. Thank God. I wasn't going to make it another week without a serious break.

Marijuana should be legalized. Not because I want to smoke it, but just because I think we could focus our efforts on more important things. I just watched an episode of COPS in which a few police officers sat in a car near a park watching people through binoculars until they saw someone buy a bag of weed. Then they jumped out and tackled him and started strutting around like super heros. Sorta stupid if you ask me.

Suspects on COPS almost invariably use their kids as a reason for why the po-pos should let them go. "I'm just on my way to see my kids. My brand new baby daughter. I just want to see my kids, that's all!"

I slept for something like 13 hours last night, but I had crazy dreams the entire night so I'm not sure how much restful sleep I got. I woke up every few hours either because I had to pee or because the cat was being a bastard, and every time I went back to sleep I went straight back into a different but similar psychotic dream. All my dreams lately are kinda depressing with a doomsday feel to them.

Today I went shopping, but couldn't bring myself to buy anything. Nothing seemed worth it. We're going shopping for a dining room table and chairs Thursday. I looked at some today, but nothing tripped my trigger. Hopefully we'll find the perfect set this week, because we need one.

Meth is stupid.

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