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Monday, March 02, 2009 


Well, the move is underway. If you have been accessing this site at meanteacherms.blogspot.com, you will need to start using www.deadpanann.com, although deadpanann-deadpanann.blogspot.com will work, I think.

I'm talking to a chick about designing some background/headers for the new place. Until then, it's just another default Blogger template.

It's not perfect, and probably won't even come close for a while since I am getting to know the "new" Blogger. I'm used to making changes to my blog by going directly into the HTML myself. The new Blogger makes it easier to add things and move them around on the page, but I haven't figured out how to change the sizes of certain features. (My blogroll is freakin' huge right now and takes up way too much space in the sidebar for this very reason.) I'll figure it out. Until then, keep reading. That is, unless it's gotten too mundane for you.

I still love you, Anonymous, even though you cut me deep. How's that shit sandwich taste?




Found you - boring bitch that you are but the new spot won't allow me to comment... do I have to get something to enable me to do so??

Very impressive and useful. Thank you.

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I love this blog. It was very cute and interesting. Thanks for sharing it.

Nice post!

i was not knowing this before because i have never tried to create blog .But i think you must use img src tag of HTML which will be effective .In that width and height options are used .So you must use that keyword .
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