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Thursday, June 07, 2007 

Lines composed over a bucket of ice cream

Today was my doctor appointment, and I was eager to see how much weight I have lost since starting my new diet and walking more often. I gained two pounds.

I pretty much hate the world right now.

Maybe you are gaining muscle, it weighs more or you are retaining water right now.

My daughter had the same thing happen to her- she'd been dieting, drinking Diet Rites, eating salads, etc. and couldn't drop a pound. When she had some routine blood work, they told her that her thyroid levels were low and put her on medication. That can cause you to gain weight, have depression, dry skin, etc. When I read up on it, I realized she'd had just about all of the symptoms, we just didn't know that's what it meant.

What really pisses me off, is that I can diet my head off and not lose a pound, but my husband drop 10 pounds in a couple of days. It's just not fair.

Been there, done that; you are NOT alone! Remember this: 1. doctor's scales ALWAYS lie, and never in a good way; 2. you weigh more when you're wearing clothes and have eaten breakfast (I sometimes see 2 or 3 lbs difference after a bowl of cereal + soy milk); 3. it's much more important how you FEEL than what the scale says.

This time I'm trying to lose the last 30 lbs left from the orignal 100 I was overweight. I'm going by measurements and only weighing when I'm sure I'll see a good number: in the morning, starkers, on my very own scale. You can take measurements and compare them after a month; even if the scale doesn't budge, those numbers probably will, and is it more important to see 10 lbs gone or to go down a size?

All excellent points.

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