And the juggling act begins
Today's to-do list included returning some things to Wal Mart, buying some new things at Wal Mart (cheap shorts and t-shirts for vacation), cleaning the house, paying some bills, and re-mopping the kitchen floor, even though I just did it yesterday. Some mud miraculously appeared overnight. I'm sure it couldn't have had anything to do with the fact that my husband was outside digging a hole with a shovel just an hour or so before it appeared.
The list did not include going to the doctor, but that is exactly what I ended up doing. Remember the ear infection I had in February? Remember how it went away, then came back....twice? Well, I'm on #3 right now, and have been for several weeks. I have still been having intense headaches, pain in my ear, in my throat, sinus pressure, and dizzy spells when I lie down. On May 11, I went to the doctor for the third time for this problem. He gave me a Z-pack and it seemed to go away, but four days after I finished the medicine, it started coming back. I have been treating the pain with Tylenol, which helps, and I was hoping that it would resolve itself. Then on Wednesday it hurt worse than usual, and the Tylenol stopped working. Since we're going out of town Monday, I thought I should get to the doctor before then. I don't want it to ruin my vacation.
This time I went to the same place I've been going, but saw a different doctor. This lady took it more seriously since it has been recurring over such a long period of time. She said that my ears were "not that bad," but she gave me a shot of some steroid, ordered x-rays of my sinuses to see if there's a "wad of infection buried deep inside of there," and gave me a two week course of a stronger antibiotic. The x-rays revealed that my sinuses are free of any "wads of infection," and she said that if I have any symptoms after taking this antibiotic, or if it comes back soon thereafter, to get my butt to an Ear Nose & Throat guy asap. I am hoping this will knock it out. I don't feel like seeing any more doctors anytime soon.
That steroid shot hurt like hell. I've never really been afraid of needles, but when I first see the needle, I do have a fleeting moment of Oh my God that's going into my flesh in about five seconds and there's nothing I can do about it. That moment was slightly more intense today when I saw the needle, because it was really big and long, and unlike when they're just drawing blood, I knew this one was going to squirt some burning medicine into me. You always know it's gonna suck when the nurse says, "Ready? Here goes!" right before she jabs it into you. A little less build-up would suit me just fine.
After dropping my rx at the employee pharmacy at TH's work, I finished most of my to-do list. I still haven't gotten to the cleaning part, and I think I'm going to spend a couple of hours doing nothing before I get to that.
How about a job update?
The lady who asked what I was wearing called back and offered me a job. She told me to call her back yesterday and give her my decision. I called back, but couldn't get her. Then today someone from the central office called and said that I had been recommended and they were writing my contract right then. I told them that I am leaving town and won't be able to come sign it for at least two weeks. Hey! I've been jacked around more than a little! I'm just doing what I have to do! Handling this with 101% honesty doesn't work. Besides, since I never called and accepted the position, I don't think this is unfair.
Then I hung up and called the other two schools who are stalling me, and told them both that I am being pressured to sign a contract at another district, but would rather work at their school. Yeah, I told both of them that-- and it's true that I would rather work for either of them over the one that has already offered me a job. If either of them offers me a job, I'll go sign the same day. I don't care which one, I just hope one of them works out so I don't have to go to the place that's already offered. One said that they'll know something Monday (last week they said they'd know something today), and the other one, who originally said it was going to take two weeks, said, "No, honey, it's not going to be 2 weeks. I will know on Monday. Call me Monday afternoon if you haven't heard from him."
Monday it is, then. Honey.
The list did not include going to the doctor, but that is exactly what I ended up doing. Remember the ear infection I had in February? Remember how it went away, then came back....twice? Well, I'm on #3 right now, and have been for several weeks. I have still been having intense headaches, pain in my ear, in my throat, sinus pressure, and dizzy spells when I lie down. On May 11, I went to the doctor for the third time for this problem. He gave me a Z-pack and it seemed to go away, but four days after I finished the medicine, it started coming back. I have been treating the pain with Tylenol, which helps, and I was hoping that it would resolve itself. Then on Wednesday it hurt worse than usual, and the Tylenol stopped working. Since we're going out of town Monday, I thought I should get to the doctor before then. I don't want it to ruin my vacation.
This time I went to the same place I've been going, but saw a different doctor. This lady took it more seriously since it has been recurring over such a long period of time. She said that my ears were "not that bad," but she gave me a shot of some steroid, ordered x-rays of my sinuses to see if there's a "wad of infection buried deep inside of there," and gave me a two week course of a stronger antibiotic. The x-rays revealed that my sinuses are free of any "wads of infection," and she said that if I have any symptoms after taking this antibiotic, or if it comes back soon thereafter, to get my butt to an Ear Nose & Throat guy asap. I am hoping this will knock it out. I don't feel like seeing any more doctors anytime soon.
That steroid shot hurt like hell. I've never really been afraid of needles, but when I first see the needle, I do have a fleeting moment of Oh my God that's going into my flesh in about five seconds and there's nothing I can do about it. That moment was slightly more intense today when I saw the needle, because it was really big and long, and unlike when they're just drawing blood, I knew this one was going to squirt some burning medicine into me. You always know it's gonna suck when the nurse says, "Ready? Here goes!" right before she jabs it into you. A little less build-up would suit me just fine.
After dropping my rx at the employee pharmacy at TH's work, I finished most of my to-do list. I still haven't gotten to the cleaning part, and I think I'm going to spend a couple of hours doing nothing before I get to that.
How about a job update?
The lady who asked what I was wearing called back and offered me a job. She told me to call her back yesterday and give her my decision. I called back, but couldn't get her. Then today someone from the central office called and said that I had been recommended and they were writing my contract right then. I told them that I am leaving town and won't be able to come sign it for at least two weeks. Hey! I've been jacked around more than a little! I'm just doing what I have to do! Handling this with 101% honesty doesn't work. Besides, since I never called and accepted the position, I don't think this is unfair.
Then I hung up and called the other two schools who are stalling me, and told them both that I am being pressured to sign a contract at another district, but would rather work at their school. Yeah, I told both of them that-- and it's true that I would rather work for either of them over the one that has already offered me a job. If either of them offers me a job, I'll go sign the same day. I don't care which one, I just hope one of them works out so I don't have to go to the place that's already offered. One said that they'll know something Monday (last week they said they'd know something today), and the other one, who originally said it was going to take two weeks, said, "No, honey, it's not going to be 2 weeks. I will know on Monday. Call me Monday afternoon if you haven't heard from him."
Monday it is, then. Honey.
You know it's a bad sign when the woman calling you asks you what you were wearing when you interviewed. If they're that haphazard about who they are hiring, how must they be to work for/with?
Hope the ear thing gets better. Nothing worse than being sick on your vacation. And, even though I'm VERY jealous of anyone going on a vacation right now, I do want you to have a good time. :-)
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:26 PM
Damnyankee-- That's exactly why I don't want to go work there. I'm still hoping something else will work out. Besides, it's a 50 mile drive!
Posted by
Mommy Needs a Xanax |
9:00 PM
A 50 mile drive will eat you alive in the cost of gas alone. Tell them they'd better make it worth your while to schlep your carcass all the way out there and back every day. At the very least, you can hold that excuse in reserve if you need to back out of that job to take one of the others.
Posted by
Stewed Hamm |
12:03 AM