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Sunday, May 18, 2008 

The school year is almost over.

Mississippi State just called here to do a survey about people's opinions on tobacco use. Normally I hang up on surveyors, but I have opinions on tobacco use. Plus I like Mississippi State. They have a lot of awesome programs that help people across the state and probably do more for people than the other universities combined.

The school year truly is almost over. This is the last week. They are forcing us to give 9 weeks tests on Wednesday and Thursday. My test is super easy, but we will "review" on Tuesday, then everyone will take it on Wednesday. I can't review them tomorrow. They'll be too busy helping me clean out my storage closet. I'm moving to another classroom next year, and I'll find out where Tuesday afternoon when I move the stuff to my new closet. Let's hope it's not in the basement. I really just hope it's near a bathroom. I have to go a lot, and that's only gonna be worse when I return in the fall.

On Thursday afternoon from noon to 4, they're having the May Day that was cancelled last week. This was originally designed to reward the kids who continued to behave like human beings, and the rule was that if you had a referral for any reason you were suspended on May Day. Well, now that they're having to do it on the same day as a 9 weeks test, everyone is allowed to come. I knew it would work out that way. I've never known a school to successfully keep the rabble rousers from participating in something that's supposedly a reward for the good kids. It sucks, but it's better than cancelling it and punishing the kids who have been good all this time.

So Thursday is basically a half day, and Friday is too. I have no idea how I'm going to clean out my room, count books, move, load up all my stuff and take it home by the end of the day on Friday. I may have to go back Monday to get some stuff.

It's gonna be a busy week.

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